Series 2

Colour Discovery 4


Colour Discovery Four - Colour for Meaning 15th/16th Century


  • The Definition of Meaning in 15/16th Century

  • Tropes

  • Psychology

  • Symbolism

Exploring Colour Properties:

Colour and The Human Eye

  • Afterimage

  • Brightness

Modelling with Colour

  • Chiaroscuro

Colour and Composition

  • Golden Mean

  • Harmony

List of paintings:

  1. Jan Van Eyck - The Arnolfini Marriage (1434)

  2. Leonardo da Vinci - The Mona Lisa (1503)

  3. Hans Holbein the Younger - The Ambassadors (1533)

  4. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - Boy bitten by a Lizard (1595/1600)

  5. El Greco - View of Toledo (1597)